Classic Travel (RTL)
استرح واسترح في دبي
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
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عدد المشاهدات
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
موقف مركزي
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
مباشرة الى القلب
دبي هي عاصمة إحدى الإمارات السبع التي تشكل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تقع جنوب الخليج العربي في شبه الجزيرة العربية.
اكتشف المزيد من خطوط السير
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الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا
الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا والبقاء على اطلاع على آخر الأخبار
Classic Firm
We craft digital, graphic and dimensional thinking, to create category leading brand experiences that have meaning and add a value for our clients.
Carefully crafted precise design with harmonious trendy typography.
Easily change and tweak your content when you need to, however you want.
Our layout works perfectly on any modern platform, including mobile.
We craft digital, graphic and dimensional thinking, to create category leading.
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
Ready to start your next project?
So when a good idea comes, you know, part of my job is to move it around, just see what different people think, get people talking about it.
Classic Photographer
Featured Wedding Stories
Conception and artistic direction
Makeup artist and hairstylist
Retouching of photos
Digital camera equipment
Filming and editing
Hardcover books design
Archival quality
Paper options
News from the Blog
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You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
Classic Restaurant
Our goal is to create food that restores, replenishes and revives.
Located on London, a street that dates back to the 17th century, Uncode is the latest restaurant lounge by Undsgn Group and Chef Christine Bottura.
Our Chef
Christine making his debut in his hometown Chicago, crafts a straight-forward yet progressive menu drawn from his culinary influences from French technique, Asian heritage, and bi-coastal gallivanting. He transforms fresh and, when possible, locally-sourced produce into thoughtful dishes.
Our Sous Chef
Having left a career in the futures brokerage industry, Sofia Jeffrey chose the path of cooking with the aspirations of traveling. However after finishing his studies at the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago; he set out to first put in time in the best kitchens in Chicago began to hone his skills.
Acclaimed By
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
Menu à la Carte
Grilled Calmari
Salsa Verde yogurt, quinoa, nappa cabbage, beet and fennel salade, pomegranate molasses dressing.
Salmon tartar
Basil sour cream, horseradish oil, marinated radish, kale chips & warm red onion jam.
Beef Burger
Chevre Noir, dill tomato, roasted onion mayo, arugula, Quebec Wagyu’s beef bacon, crispy potato & dijonase.
Demi-poulet de Cornouailles
Portuguese spices rub, radicchio, lentil & aragula salad, goat cheese, whole grain mustard dressing.
Salmon tartar
Basil sour cream, horseradish oil, marinated radish, kale chips & warm red onion jam.
Beef Burger
Chevre Noir, dill tomato, roasted onion mayo, arugula, Quebec Wagyu’s beef bacon, crispy potato & dijonase.
Demi-poulet de Cornouailles
Portuguese spices rub, radicchio, lentil & aragula salad, goat cheese, whole grain mustard dressing.
Grilled Calmari
Salsa Verde yogurt, quinoa, nappa cabbage, beet and fennel salade, pomegranate molasses dressing.
Monday - Saturday
Service 14:00 pm
Monday - Saturday
Service 24:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday
Service 16:00 pm
Classic Start-Up
Pixel Perfect
Uncode Theme is ultra professional, smooth and sleek, with a clean modern layout and incredible attention to details and performances.
Adaptive Images
The Adaptive Images detects your visitor’s device screens size and automatically creates and delivers appropriate re-scaled versions.
Page Builder
Uncode runs an enhanced and tailored version of Visual Composer with extra advanced functionalities & organised clean skin.
Advanced Grid System
An innovative grid system that pushes layouts to the cutting edge: equal-heights, full-width row, shifts and many more options...
Unpaired Flexibility
With over 30+ Homepage Concepts ready to go and combine, building a layout has never been easier. Anything you can think of can be built.
Dedicated Support
If you have any needs just open a support request in our Help Center and we'll help to master you new Uncode Theme like a pro web-designer!

The best way to work together on a Project.
Design better, faster, and more collaboratively with real-time, in-browser design collaboration and presentation tools.
Tons of Options
Category Tags
Images Selections
Easy Upload
Upload & Share
Share, Sync and Collaborate Securely.
Create context around your projects with flexible spaces to store, share, and talk about design ideas. Built-in layout options allow you to create visual hierarchy for your ideas. It’s simple, fast and easy to use. You can share your files through our mobile apps.

Of customers are satisfied with our professional support
Amazing preset options to be mixed and combined
Average response time on live chat support channel
News from our Blog
Your team is most productive when your entire design workflow is in one place. Our integrations automatically push and pull activity from your favorite systems.
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Classic Consultants
What we do
Strategy Design
Tailored Visual Composer with extra advanced functionalities and organised clean skin.
Embrace the best web development practices & coded with performance and speed.
Advanced Grid
Truly one of the most powerful grid system with equal-height and spacing presets.
Customer Care
Package your WordPress website to an international audience with multi-languages support.
Design & development of digital products
We work with clients big and small across a range of sectors and we utilise all forms of media to get your name out there in a way that’s right for you. We believe that analysis of your company and your customers is key in responding effectively to your promotional needs and we will work with you to fully understand your business to achieve the greatest of publicity possible. We have over 20 years of consultancy experience in this area of business and we strive to achieve the following: develop, empower, enable and maintain.
Digital Solutions & Consultancy
We have over 20 years of consultancy experience in this area of business and we strive to achieve the following: develop, empower, enable and maintain. Our aim is to develop your skills, to empower you to feel more confident, to enable you to maintain changes. We work strictly with you and carry out research to understand your needs and the needs of your customers first. We work with clients big and small across a range of sectors and we utilise all forms of media to get your name out there in a way that’s right for you.
Digital Strategy & Consulting
We concepted and created a vast portfolio website for one of the biggest and most awarded architecture agencies. The company has deep roots in Sweden, and has been in business since 1960. Since then, this legendary agency has been awarded countless times both in its home country as well as abroad.
eCommerce design & development
Both the design process and the end result strongly reflect the brand: tailored, hand-crafted, comfortable and easy to use with strong sense of modern simplicity and style. The very same traits that are manifested in all of premium products.
They tell about us
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
From the blog
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Alfred Geisinger, BA
Classic Agency
Selected Works
We design and develop services for customers of all sizes, specializing in creating stylish, modern websites, web services and online stores.
Perfect Design
This theme does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, it is beautifully designed and extremely intuitive to use.
Web Development
This theme does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, it is beautifully designed and extremely intuitive to use.
Social Media
This theme does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, it is beautifully designed and extremely intuitive to use.
App & iOS
This theme does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, it is beautifully designed and extremely intuitive to use.
Graphic Design
This theme does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, it is beautifully designed and extremely intuitive to use.
Reliable Results
This theme does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, it is beautifully designed and extremely intuitive to use.
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
Cups of Coffee
Our Team
Our goal is to always provide an exceptional level of service, and we aim for lasting partnerships with our clients and to have fun while doing all this.
Latest News
We are a passionate digital design agency that specializes in beautiful and easy-to-use digital design & web development services.
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Classic Business
Company Analysis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
Roadmap Strategy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
Brand Creation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
Company Analysis
Our clients range from FTSE 300 companies, to large charitable organisations and some small local businesses who are striving to expand. Most of our clients use our Data Analysis service to inform their strategic decision making and their targets for the immediate, mid-term and long-term future. The data sources that we use for this type of analysis include customer enquiry data, sales figures, costs, market data and customer feedback. Our teams are up to date with the latest technologies, media trends and are keen to prove themselves in this industry and that’s what you want.
Brand Creation
Profittable Results
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
Strategy Planning
We have a number of different teams within our agency that specialise in different areas of business so you can be sure that you won’t receive a generic service and although we can’t boast years and years of service we can ensure you that is a good thing in this industry. Our teams are up to date with the latest technologies, media trends and are keen to prove themselves in this industry and that’s what you want from an advertising agency. The data sources that we use for this type of analysis include customer enquiry data, sales figures, costs, market data and customer feedback.
Classic Studio
Wer ein Grundstück oder ein Haus in Vorarlberg und Umgebung verkaufen möchte, muss die Besonderheiten des Immobilienmarktes kennen. Genau darauf sind wir bei Geisinger Immobilien spezialisiert. Wir übernehmen für Sie gerne den Verkauf Ihres Objekts, Grundstück, Haus, Gewerbeimmobilie oder Wohnung. Insbesondere fokussieren wir uns auf den Verkauf von Grundstücken im Zusammenhang mit deren weiterer Entwicklung. Als Immobilientreuhänder ist es uns ein persönliches Anliegen, individuell auf die Wünsche unserer Klienten einzugehen und die bestmögliche Lösung für diese zu erzielen. Unser Ziel ist mithilfe unserer Verhandlungsstärke und Know-how das Maximale für unsere Klienten herauszuholen.
Sie möchten Ihre hochwertige Immobilie reibungslos und bestmöglich vermieten? Gerne wickeln wir den gesamten Vermietungsprozess für Sie ab. Wir agieren als Ihre Vertreter von der Bewerbung über die passende Mieterauswahl bis hin zur Vertragsgestaltung. Ihre Immobilie, ob renovierter Alt- oder luxuriöser Neubau, ist bei uns in besten Händen.
Projektentwicklung & Investment
Oftmals liegen Grundstücke oder Liegenschaften brach und das nicht einmal gewollt. Wir, von Geisinger Immobilien, stehen Ihnen als erfahrener Partner zur Seite – ob als Investor, Joint Venture, Vermittler oder als Käufer. Wir analysieren den Status Quo, prüfen die Machbarkeit von vorhandenen Ideen und die Finanzierung sowie Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten. Neubauprojekte wie der Kapfturm, aber auch spannende Revitalisierungsprojekte, unter anderem im Bereich der Premium-Immobilien und in der Hotellerie sind Teil unseres Portfolios.
Bewertung & Beratung
Was ist meine Immobilie wert? Was kann ich mit meiner Immobilie anfangen? Fragen die sich jeder Eigentümer einmal stellt. Oft wird der Wert von Grundstücken oder Bestandsgebäuden von den Eigentümern falsch eingeschätzt. Genauso kann es vorkommen, dass Eigentümern das enorme Potential der Liegenschaft noch verborgen bleibt. Als Immobilientreuhänder können wir unsere Klienten bei der Ermittlung des tatsächlichen Immobilienwertes unterstützen. Als Berater zeigen wir, mit welchen Stärken das Objekt überzeugt und welche Verwertungsoptionen umsetzbar sind.
Über uns
Geisinger Immobilien ist ein traditionsbewusstes, inhabergeführtes Unternehmen mit Sitz in Vorarlberg. Aber auch in den angrenzenden Nachbarländern wie im Fürstentum Liechtenstein, der Schweiz und in Deutschland sind uns die Feinheiten des Immobilienmarktes bestens bekannt.
So vielseitig wie die Immobilie selbst, so einzigartig sind auch die Anforderungen der Eigentümer. Für den Verkauf oder Kauf einer Liegenschaft zählt höchste Professionalität – dies bieten wir bei Geisinger Immobilien. Unser Anspruch ist es, für den Kunden das bestmögliche Kauf oder Verkaufsergebnis zu erzielen. Geben Sie Ihren wertvollen Besitz in die besten Hände. Nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf und überzeugen Sie sich selbst von unserer Expertise.
Gerne stehen wir Ihnen zur Seite bei Ihrem Anliegen und freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
Alfred Geisinger, BA
+43 664 4266881
Steinbruchgasse 9
6800 Feldkirch